Monday, February 16, 2009

More Movie making fun!

For those of you who have been asking about the status of Daniel's movie making endevour...well, we had somewhat of an actor's strike! Actually Daniel and his buddies were so busy on summer vacation that no one really had time to do much. But we are still progressing forward! Special Effects for Daniel's movie project are on YouTube. In fact, if you click on the YouTube profile for "Roadkill07", you will see all of our videos! (Don't worry- there are no road kill pictures or video on there!) While you are on YouTube you can Subscribe to see when we update! And I would like to give a special THANK YOU to Sharilyn, who helped film today for the movie project. YOU ROCK Sharilyn! :) Talk soon!


  1. ah, it was great fun! i mean, how often does one get to lie down in the sand of the Arizona desert and film a burning building?? :) thanks for letting me be a part of the fun!

  2. You made it fun Sharilyn! Good times...Good times!
